

The pp电子极速糖果 Annual Campus Security Report contains valuable information for all of the university's community members. The report has summaries of the university's policies on timely warnings, 酗酒和吸毒, disciplinary processes and other items. Also included in the report is advice for victims of crimes and information on crime prevention programs, as well as instructions on how to obtain information on registered sex offenders in the community. Statistics regarding the number of crimes occurring on and near campus and a campus map are included at the end of the report.

珍妮·克莱里法案, originally the "Crime 意识 and Campus Security Act of 1990", is a federal law that requires colleges and universities to annually disclose information about crime on and around their campuses. 该网站 clerycenter.org is a great resource for students, their parents and the faculty and staff to learn more about this law. The site also links to a searchable database to research the number of crimes on individual college campuses.

pp电子极速糖果 Annual Security/Fire Report-Main Campus

pp电子极速糖果 Annual Security/Fire Report-蒙特罗斯校区

pp电子极速糖果 Annual Security/Fire Report-cmu Tech Campus

Campus Security Authority Resource Center

"Campus Security Authority" is a Clery-specific term defined as a campus official with significant responsibility for campus and student activities. Should an individual choose not to report directly to the Grand Junction Police Department, they may report an incident to one of the Campus Security Authorities listed below:

  • Vice President of 学生服务: 970.248.1366
  • Student Conduct Officer: 970.248.1336
  • 部门负责人:970人.248.1881
  • Advisors of student clubs: 970.248.1250
  • 居住生活 staff (professional staff and Resident Assistants): 970.248.1536
  • Athletic directors and coaches: 970.248.1503

A voluntary confidential report of any crime can be made to the Vice President for 学生服务 by any person directly associated with the university.

Campus Security Authorities should read the documents below to learn more about Clery Act crimes and use the forms to report crimes that are reported to them.



Crime Location Definitions

Weapons and Substance Law Definitions

Hate Crime Guidance/Information

Clery Act Appendix to the Federal Student Aid Handbook